Tattoos, Piercings & Laser Removal
01772 378565

Meet the Team
Tattoo studios are only as good as what they are achieving in the present day, it doesn't matter that we have some artists with experience of over 18 years, have awards dating back years and have proven quality time and time again. History is important, but what we do today matters most, and we realise that
The only way to create great things every day is to work with great people who truly enjoy their job, so we make sure we only work with the best. Talent goes beyond a keen eye for design or technical precision. At True Colours we live and breathe what we do, we're enthusiastic and take pride in the best work we can
We have taken our time to create an amazing team that all excel in their chosen field. Not only do we win awards internationally and attend worldwide tattoo conventions. We also train and give seminars,
To get the best, you must work with the best.
PAULY PAUL - Manager/Piercer
BENJ ASHMEAD - Colour Realism Artist
JAMES SURRIDGE - Black and Grey Artist
REECE GIBSON - Graphic and Illustrative Artist
JOANNA LUCY - Blackwork and Traditional Artist
JUSTIN ROLFE - Apprentice
Check out the Team and subscribe to our YouTUBE Channel: